Yes, I know its been over a month since we posted last. It was a very busy month. Both Ari and I have been busy at work, our babysitter quit with very little notice, Maayan was sick and I had some surgery on my knee. Not such good excuses but they will have to do.
Maayan turned 18 months this past week. She had her 18 month check up and she is now on the chart for height (at her 15 mo. appt. she wasnt!) She is in the 10th percenticle for both height and weight although by looking at her big belly you wouldnt think she has "averaged out"!
Maayan says lots of words now- Abba, Mommy (which sounds like mommeeeeeeeeee), teddy, Bubby (and Bobby which is the name she has given to her pacificer and we arent sure why), car, water(wa-wa), bottle, no, yes, hi, bye, clock, bed, corn and many others that I cant remember now. And like a good Jewish girl she says "amen" after she hears a bracha and is very good at covering her eyes just like mommy when we light shabbos candles (she also covers them when we take out the havdalah candle- cute but we will have to correct her one day). She is very good at following instructions when she wants to and really understands what you tell her. Its pretty amazing that she is a real person now.
I know that I have a lot more to say since its been so long but Im much more interested in going to sleep early. Sorry. Hopefully the next post wont take a month!