l Lanie and Ari Kellman's Webspace: Mother's Day

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mother's Day

My Mother's Day began when I was woken up by Maayan around 4am asking,"is it wake up time yet?". After arguing with her and trying to convince her to just stay in bed a look at a book I used the "its Mother's Day, you need to be nice to me", I left Maayan's room and Eliora woke up to eat--luckily my day got better from there.

When Maayan got up she was very excited to give me my mothers day present. She was really good and kept it a surprise! She made me a necklace and it was in a jewelry box...

Very cute. The best part of the present was the card. This is what it said:

My mommy's name is Lanie but I don't call her Lanie, I call her Mommy. Mommy looks like all of us, my whole family. Mommy has the same hair as mine. Only me and Abba have the same eyes as her. Mommy likes to wear a skirt she also likes to wear a t-shirt. When its shabbos we like to read books and when it's not shabbos we like to play Polar Bear goes in the pool.When I go to school Mommy stays home and sleeps with Eliora. The whole day she sleeps while I'm at school...she told me yesterday. She makes yummy yummy noo-noos [noodles] for shabbos. They're my favorite, they have ketchup on it. She loves me because she likes me. You know what she does for me? She makes me yummy food. I want to say thank you because I love her.
Happy Mother's Day!
Love, Maayan

How cute is that?!?! And no, I don't sleep all day.

After giving me my present, Maayan went to her sports class then we all went to Central Park for a little bit to meet some of Ari's school friends. We would have been at the park for longer but of course we looked for a parking spot for a while before just going to a garage (gotta love the city). It was a really beautiful day out and Maayan was very excited to use her new kite. After a long while, Ari was finally able to get the kite going and Maayan got to fly it for a minute before it went down- I think we can use some kite practice before moving to the suburbs!

(you need to look carefully, but Ari and Maayan are in there with the kite)

We were only able to stay there for a little bit and then we were off to Uncle Jeff and Aunt Nancy's for the annual Kellman Mother's Day Lunch. Since it was a nice day we were in the backyard and Maayan had a great time playing with her cousins. Eliora slept most of the time (while being held by different family members). On the way home we stopped to pick up chinese food for dinner which was pretty disappointing.

On Monday morning Eliora was wide awake at 4:45 since she had slept almost the whole day on Sunday. I finally came out into the living room around 6 and after a little bit she fell alseep in the swing and I went to sleep on the couch. Ari got Maayan ready and took her to school while Eliora and I took another nap until around 11ish. The rest of the day was spent doing laundry and cleaning up around the apt. Ari picked up Maayan from school at 3:00 since there was no babysitting b/c of a staff meeting (I usually get her around 4:15) and then he got ready to go to his last class!! I think Im much more excited about him being done with school than he is. Since it was a nice day out I took the girls to the playground next to our building for a little bit and then got Maayan to bed at 7:20. Since she has been so tired lately and we almost always have to wake her for school we've decided that we are going to try to move her bedtime up to 7pm so I was pretty happy with 7:20.
Eliora went to sleep around midnight and didnt get up until 5:30 so that was pretty nice for me.

Today for Lag b'omer SAR had a walk-a-thon to Seton Park. The kids Maayans age took a bus to about a block away and then walked the rest of the way. Ari, Eliora and I went to meet them there where they had a picnic and concert.

When we got home we did some stuff around the apt. then Ari went to school to pick up his cap and gown (YAY!) and Eliora and I got Maayan from school and then played in the school playground for a little while before coming home.
While we were in the playground, there was a boy (around 8-9 years old) who Maayan loudly pointed out was wearing Crocs with socks saying, "Mommy, we don't wear Crocs with socks!"

Eliora is sleeping in the swing and I'm going to attempt to get her into the bassinet and go to sleep--wish me luck.


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