l Lanie and Ari Kellman's Webspace: November 2005

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

so happy

"the itsy- bitsy spider"


I have been very smiley the past few days...

We finally made it to Sari and Noam's apartment- thanks for having us!

Maayan showing off her new "singing" abilities for Arica

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Thanks Arica and Josh for my new toy- I love it!

So this is why all of my clothes have pockets- to hold my remote

Thanks Meira and Moshe for letting me borrow your sweatshirt...it's keeping me nice and cozy!

Sunday, November 13, 2005

I hear that capes are the 'in' thing now, so I've decided to turn my bib around....I'm so trendy, just like my Aunt Arica!

The morning is my favorite time of day, look how smiley I am!

Here is my very full tummy, cute huh?

See, I told you!

I LOVE wearing my hoods- just check out the next picture...

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

WOW...SO Cute!!!

opening wide...here I come......

Monday, November 07, 2005

This is how I spent most of the party....I'm a lot of fun, aren't I?

I'm gonna bite your nose...!

The Boriskins-to-be

The doc and his family...

The proud parents...

Here comes the cake !!!

ah...the guest of honor and his Abba

Meira Berkowitz pulling off the hip look with panache

Maybe the basinet stuffing contest wasn't the best idea...

Aunt Judy and Cousin Penina enjoying the festivites

Time to drive home, I've had enough! Now I just need to back out of here...

Talia and Ima enjoying the BBQ

Uncle Dov playing with little Sarah at the Chanukat HaBBQ

Maayan helping Abba crunch some tough numbers

So this is where Abba goes everyday

All Smiles!

...I can roll from my tummy to my back. YAY!
 Posted by Picasa

Look at Me... Posted by Picasa

I'm such a good sleeper, my Mommy and Abba are so proud of me! Posted by Picasa

Who's SO Pretty ??? Posted by Picasa

Mommy, S-T-O-P, you're tickling me, hehehehe!
 Posted by Picasa

Guess who's back! Lots o' pictures, so get comfy... Posted by Picasa