Quick(ish) update to bring y'all up to speed...
Yom Kippur was spent on the West Side with the Kellman Sr.s and it was appropriately solemn. and attoneful (I know its not a word). Maayan spent the day with a babysitter and everyone had a good day. We came home during the break to find Maayan taking a nap, which was great because we didn't want her to see us. We slept for about an hour and half, and when we woke up, Maayan was still sleeping!! All in all she slept almost 3 hours, why oh why does she Never want to take a nap for us?!?
Moving right along to Sukkot. We went to our good friends Dov and Arielle Feldman who recently moved to Woodmere, Long Island. We had a wonderful time, and Maayan had a Great time playing with all of Ari-o's (her version of Arielle) toys!
Of course, as with Bubby and Uncle Michael (who Maayan now loves) before him, Dov had no problem putting Maayan down for a nap. We'll go with the theory that Maayan just loves spending time with us, and that's why she absolutely won't take a nap at home for us.
Second days of Yom Tov we spent at home in Riverdale. It was about time that we didn't have to live out of a suitcase. We hosted 2 small meals, hosted a big meal for the other young couples in our building, and went out for a couple of meals. Lots of fun, food, and friends. Good times.
Ok, some Maayan updates. She's been talking in many more full sentences recently, and though I'm sure I'm missing a bunch here are just a few recent examples:
Tonight when we were playing with building blocks, Maayan picked up something I made and said, "Oooh, Abba, you made this?" (with the appropriate matching impressed facial expression)
Also tonight (our short term memories are much better than long-term), Lanie was in the kitchen preparing dinner and Maayan was in the living room when she said, "Mommy, whacchya doin in there?"
On most nights, Maayan will 'prepare' food for Lanie in her kitchen, and tell her, ""I made this for Mommy" (pointing the the plastic corn on the cob that she makes Lanie 'eat' every night), and then pointing to her actual dinner, she says, "...and Mommy made this for me."
Whenever you ask Maayan what we all do every day, she says, "Abba go schoo[l], Maayan go Schoo[l], Mommy go Work"
There are tons of others, but again, we're not remembering them right now. Give Maayan a call, she'll be glad to tell you all about it. Just don't call her cell phone becuase as she tells us ALL THE TIME, "my cell phone Jordy's house" (Savta please send it, thanks!)
Maayan loves school, and every day when she gets there she gives her teachers big hugs. On Thursday when Lanie went to pick her up, one of her teachers, Taihis (sp?), had just left the room. So Maayan saw Lanie and said, "Where did my Taihis-ie go?"
Maayan's other teacher is Israeli and often speaks to Maayan in Hebrew. She tells us that Maayan seems to understand as well. So, Maayan may be able to talk to all of her Israeli cousins after all.
Maayan understands and retains a lot more than we give her credit for. One school-related story...one day when Lanie went to pick Maayan up, she saw that she had someone else's pacifier. Apparently some other kid had a similar pacifier and the teachers got them confused. The other parent brought in a different color pacifier to avoid confusion. A couple days later at home, Maayan was using another one of her own pacifiers, and told Lanie, "Noga's passy-fie-her". Apparently she not only knew her classmate's name, but also knew what color her new pacifier was (at least we were impressed)!
Maayan went to the allergist this past week and is now all clear to eat Pineapple, Honeydew and Kiwi. Mango is still iffy, but we're making progress!
That's it and that's all...Good Night.
Thanks for the update but where are the pictures??? Also, I thought it was Josh's house, not Jordy's house?
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